Home / Video Software / Webex Player

Webex Player

Publisher: Cisco WEBex
License: Free
Date added: 12/12/2015

WebEx Player is a computer software that enables the user to conduct and record online video conversations and seminars. The player is an indispensable tool as far as the emerging online learning industry is concerned.

Webex Player Download:

SoftwareDownload Link
Webex Player For Windows 7 32/64 BitDownload
Webex Player For Windows 8 32/64 BitDownload

Features And Functions Of The Webex Player:

The main function of the WebEx Player is to conduct and record online seminars and video conversations. The recordings are in the .WRF(WebEx Recording Format) or the .ARF(WebEx Advanced Recording format) and are sent through email or online link. The .WRF and .ARF files can be converted into the .WMV(Windows Media Video) format by using the WebEx Recording Editor. However, a feature to play them without conversion is also available. The recordings are highly portable and can be accessed easily through email. To ensure user convenience, the software has a user friendly interface.

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