General Information You must Know before Writing:
What is Software page?
Software page means it contains a Review or information related to features, needs and importance of software offered by vendors along with a downloadable link displayed for download. When User clicks on the appropriate download link he will be navigated to our download page.
Content formats
Description(160 and 180 characters)
Description is what shows your article title on search engines. A good description is between 160 and 180 characters and tells an accurate description of what the article is about.
Sample Descriptions Link for Your reference:
Why do we need “given software” ?( Given words)
Under this section discuss about need, importance or advantages of Software within the given word limit.
Features of the “Given Software “( Given Words)
Under this section write content by selecting effective features offered by vendor. Vendor’s website link will be provided in the iwriter instruction. Selected feature must be “Even” and must be within the given word limit. Sample article for reference is given below.
How to write Description?
Description shows article title on search engines. A good description is one that contains all the given keywords and must be in between 160 and 180 characters and tells an accurate description of what the article is about.
How to write article?
Review of article must be completely based on the features offered by manufacturer. The article should be compliant to our standard format. Sample links are given below. For style of writing and more information you can refer CNET, softpedia and softonic but don’t copy content from there.
Why word limit is important for us?
Your article will be displayed in particular design on our website. If the word limit exceeds it spoils the design. So be compliant to our design.
How to select sub topics for “Features of “given software”?
Select good effective features as a subtopic names.
General and lengthy topic names will not be accepted. The content under Subtopic must be informative it should not contain running matter.
- User Interface,
- Compatibility,
- Security Tools, Pricing
- Eassy TO Use,
- All one video converter,
- inbuilt Antivirus,
- Open source,
- Comparable with any Os
- better then Norton
- Alternate for windows word.
Sample Software Article Review: